Starting Sept 2021 ONLINE LIVE

In collaboration with

The 'Maxi-Me'
Mentoring Masterclass Series
Tailor made Mentoring by two 'Life-Mentoring' Masters.
Discover the SEVEN SECRETS about How to deploy CREATIVITY, enhancing your PERSONAL and PROFESSIONAL Strengths and to Grow Profoundly in Your Desired Direction
Our 100% Not-okay-money-back guarantee
We are convinced that the 'Maxi-Me' Mentoring Masterclass Series, provided you give it your all, will take you further in creating your unique lifestyle, in which you can be effortlessly successful!
Don't you like it? Call us within 30 days of the start date of the Series you signed up for and you will get 100% of your money back, without giving reasons. We dare to do this because we have helped many people like you and know what kind of development and growth (both personally and professionally) previous participants have experienced, while going through or instantly after the process of the 'Maxi-Me' Mentoring Masterclass Series.
‘Open new doors IN TIMEs OF insecuriTY and CHANGE’.
Be the Director of Your Life
Create Your Own Successful Future!
Sign up NOW for the Unique 'Maxi-Me' Mentoring Masterclass Series
Real-Time Online
Quirky – Different - Effective
Don't hesitate to boost your life about
Join now!
7 Evenings
At 7:30 PM CEST / 1:30 PM EST
Not now, but I don't mind if you inspire me
The 'MaxiMe' Mentoring Masterclasses teaches you to harness your potential of creativity To Model Your Future INSTANTLY.
7 weeks - 7 modules - 7 secrets
We Re-Light your Inner Fire, get acquainted with each other and give you practical information about the communication technology to be used. We offer you a Trusted and Save Environment where you can bring your whole self at the table to have your Full Potential exposed.
You will reveal Your New Destination, and the road to get there. You become aware of your personal Values and Talents and what you can offer the world in a rather Easy way.
You discover which of your present relationships, either personal or professional, make you progress in life. Your WorldView becomes clear and also how it has grown the way it has so far. Words and images attach themselves to your Ideal Future. Discover what you really were born to do.
Find out how you become or stay Vital, mentally as well as physically, personally as well as professionally. Which lifestyle supports your Vitality. How you create Passionate and Inspiring Work.
You will learn how you can be the Director of your own life. Discover what to Manage and what to be in Charge of in your life. Gain insights in what burdens your life, what you can relieve, and how you can let go.. In a responsible way you create your Unique Lifestyle.
Become aware of how your Mindset determines your Personal and Professional success and how you conscious deploy it. We let you become familiar with the Secrets of your own personal success, so you will become unstoppable.
In this last module we show you where you have ended up so far, so you can choose your direction towards your New Destination, Your Next Level.
What they say...
The Program was perfect for my transformation
The Vision Board supported by the Life Mission exercise and the Discover your Passion exercise really helped me to focus and zoom in to what my heart desires.
This training cannot be compared to any other coaching or training I ever did before. The miracle of your program is one of many to come, in order for me to share the magic of life with others!
Thank you both! I'm very grateful!
Jenny Mason
Starting Entrepreneur
The share of 'creativity' in the program appealed to me.
It is a somewhat less developed part of myself. Above all, I am a thinker.
Various materials were used in the meetings via Zoom and each part required some preparation (homework) in advance. The process was therefore much more than the coaching.
I recommend the Maxi-Me
Masterclass to anyone who is willing to take a journey inward.
I was skeptical ofcourse. I know therapy by now. But this is a completely different story. This course, mentor class, training, whatever you want to call it, is online.
You look for your goals. Make them concrete. You find out what type of person you are, who you clash with and why, What events and people are holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself and you learn to let go.
All in a few weeks.
Tiffany Frasa
Join now!
7 Evenings
At 7.30 PM CEST / 1.30 PM EST
Worried about your job, your team, your business’ existence?
Are you able to cope? Will you be able to fulfill your commitments? And what about your close relatives and your direct family?
Can you in any way change something about your situation? Are you still able to manage or is it too much to handle?
In short, many questions to answer, personal as well as professional.
The world changes rapidly, a new reality is there to stay. No escape from it. Each day, or each moment we are bombarded with newsfeeds. The negative news dominates the positive.
Are you just a person who waits and sees what happens? Or, are you proactive, embrace the possibilities and turn them into solutions? Just like WE do?
Our ONLINE 'MaxiMe' MENTORING MASTERCLASSES make you think in terms of solutions and enable you to discover the opportunities which are already waiting to be kissed alive. Privately as well as at work and in business.
Will you Travel with us? We challenge you! We are your guides on your exiting journey of discovery. With practical strategies and tips we will pull you out of the FREEZE - FIGHT or FLIGHT mode, out of your I’LL WAIT A WHILE mode in a way you are going to stay out for a life-time.
STRESS freezes your
freezes your STRESS
When stress predominates, your creative thinking about new ways is blocked. Reversely if we can use our creativity, which we all have, to the fullest, our stress reduces and we will be able to start building again.
Join now!
7 Evenings
At 7.30 PM CEST / 1.30 PM EST
Meet your mentors
Nelleke Scholten and Ellen Loopstra joined their Strenghts, Knowledge and Wisdom.
A unique cooperation between two very experienced and driven Dutch Life-Mentoring Masters using a Systemic Approach. It is their opinion that 'Personal' and 'Professional' can hardly be separated, everyone has his own Uniqueness and therefore everyone is able to be Effortlessly Successful.

In these Mentoring Masterclasses Nelleke Scholten emphasises your PRIVATE LIFE for you to build a strong foundation for your Professional life.
All vital aspects of it are analysed by her. She developed a special way of observing results from the unique fusion of Authentic Ayurveda and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and shows you simple steps you immediately can implement.She takes you on a journey to Health, Wealth and Happiness.
"Be what others are afraid to be, Be Authentic!"

In these Mentoring Masterclasses Ellen Loopstra puts the spotlight on your WORKING LIFE, regardless of age, educational level, career path or position.
She aligns your Personal Inspiration, Creativity and Talents with your Professional Mission to fulfil your Potential. All based on a magical combination of a wide range of the most successful business models & best practice strategies, leadership development and een touch of artistry.
'How to STAND OUT, While Fitting IN' is all about being in Alignment with Your True Self.

Seven Mentoring Masterclasses
You are offered 7 weekly Real-time Online ‘Maxi-Me’ Mentoring Masterclasses, of 90 minutes each. In these sessions you receive strategies, tips, simple and creative exercises, enabling you to work on that week.
Your investment
Value € 3280,- ex VAT
What if you can live a unique life style, personal as well as professional. How much is it worth to you? The calculated value of this 'Maxi-Me' Mentoring Masterclass Series is € 3280,- ex VAT.
Your Investment ONLY € 997,- ex VAT
All previous participants (yes, without any exception) who attended all Masterclasses had extraordinary results. The mentioned that the improvements of their lifes (personally en professionally) has been priceless.
We attach great importance enabling in these troubling times for as many as possible of you to participate in this quirky, effective and ‘unlike from any other’ program. That is why l offer you you pay in multiple installments. Just send us one email to us both ( and to be able you discuss the opportunities with you.
Are you already super successful and is there not much room for improvement, either personally or professionally. And if the Corona-restrictions have not any effect on your professional success, than this 'Maxi-Me' Mentoring Masterclass Serie is NOT meant for you.
Are you the professional however who desires a Unique Own Life Style and Easy Success, than this 'Maxi-Me' Mentoring Masterclass Series is JUST FOR YOU! You better sign up today! There is only room for 25 participants max.
It is absolutely worth the investment. Get the max for the lowest price and grab your amazing bonuses with it for free. So don’t hesitate, find out for yourself and sign up now. We can’t wait to meet you online.
On top of the 'Maxi-Me' Masterclasses, you receive the following FIVE bonuses, representing a total value of
€ 1636.53 ex VAT in total.
A 30-minute 1-to-1 online personal mentoring session with Nelleke Scholten, only with you. Value €125.- ex VAT.
A 30-minute 1-to-1 online personal mentoring session with Ellen Loopstra only with you. Value €125.- ex VAT.
A signed copy of Nelleke’s book ‘Unique Life Creator’; Value € 16.53 ex VAT.
Reference material and a collection of unique practise exercises with explanations. Value € 120.- ex VAT.
Voucher program. On top of these 4 Bonusses you can earn up to € 1.250,- worth of vouchers which we deduct from the cost for special Mentoring Series on our next training level. Ask for the details.
We ask this for your benefit as well as for that of the other participants, during all sessions:
- Active participation
- Full Commitment
- Integrity and Respect
- Positive Contribution
Your next 'Maxi-Me' Mentoring Masterclass Series starts on:
Thursday Evening the 2nd of September 2021 at 7.30 CEST (Central European Summer Time) / 1.30 PM EST (Eastern Time: USA)
We cannot guarantee for what period we will keep our price that low including all 5 bonusses! So grab your chance and sign up today!
Grateful if you will share this
In these times full of challenges, privately as well as in work or business, we all can do with some creativity. Like Albert Einstein, we would like to pass on creativity to as many people as possible.
Are there people in your circles who might benefit from our 'Maxi-Me'Mentoring Masterclass Series? We appreciate it very much if you be so kind to bring it to their attention. We are very grateful. Maybe likewise the people you share it with.
YES! I'll Take the Lead
7 Evenings
At 7.30 PM CEST / 1.30 PM EST