How to Stand Out
While Fitting In
It may or may not surprise you, but 70% of all professionals are unhappy with their job.
- Do you start every working day with fresh reluctance?
- Have your lost your passion for your work?
- Or did your most passionate team members become silent?
I love to contribute to a happy, professional world where people work from their hearts and walk through life with a smile. Especially in challenging times.
Are you smiling right now?
Want to be coached by the Effortless Success Expert?

At the AlchemICT Academy we teach the hidden secrets of how to be effortlessly successful
How would you like us to help you?
Personal & Professional Leadership

'Maxi-Me': Unique & Effortless Successful
Feeling constrained in challenging times? Sign up now for the new 'Maxi-Me' Mentoring Masterclass Series starting in the week of the 22th of September. Discover in only 7 weeks what is holding you back to become the best version of yourself and (re)create your own future.
Call Me
Strategy Call to get you Started

Strategy Call
1:1 for about 15 min
Different Packages are customized for different Leaders' Needs in order for them to achieve the effortless success they are looking for. Let's book you a 15 minute 1:1 Strategy Call to see what your needs are to create your Unique and Effortless Successful Professional Lifestyle based on your Personal Autheticity. Maybe I have got something for you to get you started right away.
Available in ENG and NL
Team & Business Development

Together Everybody Achieves More
Creating a Thriving Team built on Trust? Just ask for a unique Tailor made TEAM Training in which a touch of artistry makes the magic happen. Based on DISC-behavioural profiling, we reveal the personal talents and values of each member including the leader. This inspires and increase self-awareness, communication and trust.
Available in ENG (real-time online) and NL (online & incompany)
To Read
The Law of Brand Attraction

The Book: 'The Law of Brand Attraction'
So dreams do come true!!
I'm proud to present my International Best Selling Book The Law of Brand Attraction in which I and my world famous co-authors, like Bob Doyle, Marie Diamond (both from 'the Secret') and Sammy Blindell (Founder Brand Builders Club), share the Most Successful Brand Attraction Strategies for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.
Discover the AlchemICT
Inspiration, Creativity & Talent make Life Magical

"Toeval bestaat niet", hoorde ik mijn docent Maatschappijleer op een ochtend na zijn klassikale ochtendgebed zeggen. Ik zat in de onderbouw van de middelbare school. Hij was de enige van alle docenten die een schooldag op die manier aftrapte. Ik was niet zo van de Bijbel. En ik was er op mijn 14de al helemaal niet van overtuigd dat 'Toeval' niet bestond. Het was toen 1982. In 2016 dacht ik daar inmiddels heel anders over. Geloof jij nog in 'Toeval'?
"Coincidence doesn't exist," I heard my Social Studies teacher say one morning after his morning prayer in class. I was in junior high school. He was the only one of all the teachers to kick off a school day like that. I wasn't much of the Bible. And when I was 14, I was not at all convinced that 'coincidence' did not exist. It was 1982 then. In 2016 I thought very differently about that. Do you still believe in 'Coincidence'?
Meet Ellen Loopstra
Founder of the AlchemICT Academy
For over 25 years my passion is to mentor individual professionals, teams and organisations “How to STAND OUT, while Fitting In”.
I believe every professional can be uniquely and effortlessly successful. You just have to look deeper at the person behind the professional. I'm convinced that everybody, and I really mean everybody, has at least one talent. Maybe some are yet to be discovered.
After decades of experiencing what 'being out of alignment' feels like, coping with the consequences of my constant battle to adapt, I lost track of my true self being determined to successfully meet society's expectations. Fighting for my life in 2006 I solemnly promised myself to Take the Lead in My Life and became an expert in raising self-awareness and self confidence among the people behind the professionals by aligning their talents, thoughts & tasks to what today’s ambitious society demands from us: contribute in a meaningful way, fully congruent with who we truly are.
They Say
Bart Oudendijk
At first, I felt some hesitation to open up to her and “expose” myself completely. Now I experience a big difference. Huge insights completely did shift my focus. Which is sharper, clearer and ultimately much more fun now. On top of that: the physical pain in my body which I experiened disappeared very quickly. Feels like a miracle.
Willem Jan van Tilborg
MT Member Dutch Government
Ellen knows how to approach organizational change trajectory from the right balance between technology and the human factor. She is able to complete a very complex project successfully within an organization where mutual cooperation is far from self evident. She breaks through barriers, guiding a process that I can be proud of. You would be crazy not to work with her.
Learn The Secrets of Effortless Success
Are you MANAGING to have a Life or do you LEAD a Life?
And....? Is it a Great Life? And is it Effortlessly Successful?
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